Welcome to IQ Venture Advisors, LLC.
iQ Venture Advisors, founded in 2010, provides its clients with business
and financial advice to help them grow and prosper.
Our clients are generally smaller operating companies with a new product or process that offers the possibility of significant growth and financial entities seeking a means of increasing access to markets and capital. Technology, health care, alternative energy, and finance are the industries in which most of our client companies are involved, though consumer products, media, transportation, and real estate are represented as well.

Our consulting services include advice on business and financial structure, board membership and senior management, and potential joint ventures and affiliations. Among its services, iQ Venture Advisors will assist clients in the development of effective means to present themselves to the marketplace and potential investors. The firm can also provide a reference to a registered broker/dealer when appropriate.
The professionals of the iQ Venture Advisors team bring together extensive experience in a broad range of fields in business and finance.
The individuals involved have all had significant experience in their careers with financial institutions, venture capital groups, and new businesses. They draw on each other’s experience and contacts to assist the firm’s clients in achieving their objectives.